Blog Around The World

Exploring the World Around Us!




My country is Nigeria, its population is 173.6 million people. I will get there by plane, I will pass a bunch of countries, and states. I really want to travel for two reasons. First because I know missionary’s who go there to teach other people about God. Second reason is because I want to figure out their language and finally how they live each day. I will go to Abuja, Minna, and Jos. Abuja is the capital of Nigeria. Minna is just a city just like Jos is also a city. A few things that I need before I leave is appropriate clothing, my bible, and shoes. I will communicate by their language or English. One language they us is Edo but not all people Nigeria use it. English is hello, how are you just like we use everyday.


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4 Comments to


  1. November 19th, 2014 at 1:28 pm      Reply shoreboms Says:

    Cool blog! I was wondering what is the most known language in Nigeria is it Edo or a different language? And I never knew they had such a little population.

  2. November 19th, 2014 at 1:36 pm      Reply kylahoms Says:

    I love your blog I was thinking do you ever think about what’s it’s like in Nigeria I wonder what’s it’s like there and if there’s animals different from here

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